Welcome To Our Blog

Our mission is to ensure that your love of music doesn't wane but grows stronger and becomes infectious.  We want you to renew your commitment to listening, truly listening to music, old favorites and new friends, and the best ways we can imagine to do that is to turn back to (or for our younger customers, turn TO) vinyl and to commit to getting off your couch to see great bands, both the ones whose songs you know by heart and those that don't tickle any memory bones.

We will inform you of new finds in our vinyl inventory acquisition.  In order to effectively add vinyl to our inventory it's of primary importance for us to find music that is loved or will be loved. We more than welcome feedback about our blog. We want to be informed by your musical experiences. Have a particular favorite who you believe is underappreciated?  Let us know!  That's how we discover "new" favorites.  Just see a band at a local event that you think has real promise?  Let us know!  We'll consider adding them to our inventory.

We're not experts.  We're just people who love music.  Can't play a lick, but sure do love to listen and appreciate the efforts of the artists.

Tell us what you like and what you don't like and we promise to strive to make this blog a growingly useful and enjoyable resource for you.

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